星期三, 8月 09, 2006

診所新穎設備 Equiments of dental clinic



大多數的人都知道每半年必須洗牙一次,以確保牙齒的健康及避免牙結石、牙周病的產生。但一提到洗牙,至少有2/3的人表示是不舒服的。因為疼痛總是無法避免,而洗牙時的酸、痛及機器產生的聲響,更是大多數人無法忍受的經驗。因為怕痛而延誤看牙造成日後更嚴重的牙周病產生,真是得不償失。如果洗牙真的可以無痛,那麼就不辜負健保局的美意-每半年可以洗牙一次。  本院黃啟洲醫師表示,二十一世紀是無痛治療的時代,全球的醫療專業從業人員都以無痛為方針,以人本為出發點,試圖在治療的過程中確保患者的舒適與安寧。有鑑於此,本院特別由法國引進全國第一部「無痛洗牙治療機」,以電子TENS方式,讓患者在洗牙時,不須施打麻醉藥或塗抹任何麻醉藥品,即可有效地控制90%以上的疼痛。黃醫師說,無痛洗牙治療機是以一個小型的掌上型控制器發出微弱的電流,透過洗牙機頭傳導,迅速地阻斷痛覺神經傳導,麻醉效果比一般施打麻醉藥所需2~4分鐘才能生效的作用好很多,且術後也不必等上1~2小時,麻藥才能完全消退。且當患者將控制鈕調整到適當的有效強度時,可阻止突發性的酸痛或刺痛。  據實驗證明,無痛洗牙治療儀能夠有效地抑制90%以上的疼痛,掌上型控制器並可分散洗牙的注意力,過程不僅安全、無副作用,且無傳統洗牙機發出ㄍ一ㄍ一作響的噪音,使病人坐如針氈。本項服務並不另外收費,對於牙根外露、牙根敏感、嚴重的牙周病患者,怕打針、怕洗牙的患者而言,可謂一大福音。

2. Forget your fears with 'relaxation dentistry' "牙科治療放鬆新法"

The latest dental technique called “Relaxation Dentistry” puts an end to all the pain and other associated problems during dental procedure. The technique which was started in 2000 is gaining popularity now. Relaxation Dentistry is successful in about 99% of the patients and has no ill effects. The procedure involves giving the patient a Valium the night before the dental procedure, such that he gets enough sleep. On the day of the dental procedure the patient is given an anti-anxiety drug(like lorazepam or triazolam), which is placed under the tongue. This drug slowly makes the patient half-asleep. Then the dentist can perform the required dental procedure and the whole procedure will be painless. During the dental procedure a nurse constantly monitors the patients pulse, blood pressure and oxygen levels. The procedure is not recommended in young children & pregnant women. The cost of the procedure ranges from $150-$600.



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